
That’s how I feel right now like it’s all just clicking.  Like 18 months I have been riding a bike that just would not click into gear and then boom!  It just did.  I don’t think things are different and yet they are.  I stopped being a stay at home mom.  That shit’s hard!!  The food is there all the time.  And having time is great except I am awful if I have time, I will lay around and procrastinate.


Working gives me a schedule, and at one point as a stay at home mommy I had a schedule that included working out and eating well, but it’s hard to maintain that and I couldn’t find that balance in VT.  I am lucky I am working where we have a gym and classes we take in the building at lunch for 10$ a month!  I have been working here for 8 weeks and have been a gym member for 6.  But just started losing weight in the last 3 weeks.  I worked out steadily but my eating was out of control still.  Small steps.  I know if I just throw myself into something I will burn out quick, so I started with the workouts.  It was holiday season and I was in deep.  So I could do that one thing.

Funny this weeks topic was just on that, one step at a time.  I like I said am a procrastinator.  And if I look at a large task as a whole I am immediately overwhelmed and ready to put my jammies on hop in my bed throw the covers over my head and forget that anything outside of my comforter even exists.  The whole idea of weight loss is overwhelming isn’t it?  think about all the plans, books and ads that are out there.  I know I am a WW gal and always will be but that doesn’t mean I am immune to the ads, and media that are thrown at us. 

So even though I am not back at the beginning where I have 100+ pounds to lose doesn’t make it less of a challenge or less overwhelming, I am taking it one pound at a time, and I know that I will never be done this time.  I will need my weekly meetings just as much now as I will when I reach goal if not more.

Admitting that is big for me.  I am taking it one pound at a time, one week at a time.  And if the scale doesn’t move that’s ok I am still making good healthy changes for me. 



2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. dcander2
    Feb 05, 2014 @ 20:44:34

    Please pass some of your motivation on to me! Not only am i eating badly every other day but I haven’t worked out besides derby in…i don’t even know how long. le sigh.



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